Management plan |
Management plans are great tools to help plan long-term goals for your property over a 25 or 50 year period. The plans detail your woodlands stand conditions, as well as giving you management recommendations. They also address endangered resources, soils and stand densities. A description is given for each stand along with a map of your property which delineates all the different areas. These plans have mandatory and recommended forestry practices to guide you through proper silviculture for your woods. MFL (Managed Forest Law) plans must be written by a Certified Plan Writer, which is available thru CASL Forestry Service. The Managed Forest Law is a state run program which gives the landowner a reduced tax rate; however, they must follow the plan for the duration of the order. These plans are administered by the Wisconsin DNR and state cost sharing may be available to help pay for up to 50% of the management plan. CASL Forestry Service will assist you in applying for this cost sharing.
Selling timber is not something most people understand or do on a regular basis; most landowners experience a timber sale once every 10 to 20 years. It is therefore important to hire a forester who is working for you as a landowner, protecting your interests. A consulting forester that understands local markets and who works with professional loggers that maintain the integrity of your woods will most certainly generate more income from your sale. CASL Forestry Service will make sure your goals and objectives as a landowner are met and that your woodlands are sustainably managed. In hiring CASL Forestry Service to administer your timber sale, you can be assured of assistance in the following areas:
- Estimating the value of your timber and receiving a fair market price
- Preparing a timber sale contract
- Administering the sale to see the contract is being followed
- Accounting for all loads of forest products that leave your property
- Filing all applicable cutting notices and permits with appropriate agencies
- Overseeing harvesting operations; enforcing sound forestry practices
CASL Forestry Service can determine the present volume and value for a stand of timber. This information is useful when buying or selling woodland.
Preparing a timber basis within the first 5 years of owning timber land can pay off by hundreds to thousands of dollars when a landowner completes a timber sale. The original timber value can be depleted over time so less income tax is paid to the IRS. Reporting the income as capital gains and not as ordinary income can also lower your tax liability. Filing a Form T with your 1040 is the key to paying less income tax following a timber sale.
Digital maps can be created of a landowner’s property using GPS equipment. These maps can detail food plots, fence lines, trails, tree stands, small streams, etc. Having a recent digital map or aerial photo of your property can be very valuable when planning future projects.
Sometimes conflicts arise between landowners, partners, couples etc. and specific timber management issues can only be resolved with the help of a professional forester. CASL Forestry Service can help explain or examine complex forestry issues for landowners, law firms, insurance companies and businesses.